Laws of mentoring - kbc

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Laws of mentoring

Services > Mentorship
The 16 Laws of Mentoring are intended to assure the long-term stability of the relationship between the mentor and protégé

1. The Law of Positive Environment
Create a positive environment where potential and motivation are released and options discussed.

2. The Law of Developing Character

Nurture a positive character by helping to develop not just talent, but a wealth of mental and ethical traits.

3. The Law of Independence

Promote autonomy; make the learner independent of you, not dependent on you.

4. The Law of Limited Responsibility
Be responsible to then, not for them.

5. The Law of Shared Mistakes
Share your failures as well as your successes.

6. The Law of Planned Objectives

Prepare specific goals for your relationship.

7. The Law of Inspection
Monitor, review, critique, and discuss potential actions. Do not just expect performance without inspection
8. The Law of Tough Love
The participants acknowledge the need to encourage independence in the learner.

9. The Law of Small Successes
Use a stepping-stone process to build on accomplishments and achieve great success.

10. The Law of Direction

It is important to teach by giving options as well as direction.

11. The Law of Risk
A mentor should be aware that a learner's failure may reflect back upon him/her. A learner should realize that a mentor's advice will not always work.

12. The Law of Mutual Protection

Commit to cover each other's backs. Maintain. Protect integrity, character, and the pearls of wisdom you have shared with one another.

13. The Law of Communication

The mentor and the learner must balance listening with delivering information.

14. The Law of Extended Commitment
The mentoring relationship extends beyond the typical 8-to-5 business day and/or traditional workplace role or position.

15. The Law of Life Transition

As a mentor, when you help a learner enter the next stage of his/her life or career, you will enter the next stage of yours.

16. The Law of Fun
Make mentoring a wonderful experience - laugh, smile, and enjoy the process

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