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Business Turnaround

Business Turnaround

Business turnaround strategies and solutions are the buzzword in the business environment right now. Business turnaround & business rescue are simply explained by their names; it is the process of taking an existing business from negative position and turning it into a positive business via a series of specific strategies, plans and negotiations.

Consultants or Mentors may be required to get involved in businesses in financial trouble, to assist in turning these businesses around to profitability. This would obviously be short to medium term intensive involvements, which would require out of the ordinary arrangements with all parties concerned.

Why has Business Turnaround become so popular?

Simply put, banks have stopped financing many existing businesses. The days of having your credit line extended for a brief period until your business has re-established itself, is gone.
Additionally, the financing of new business is difficult given the current state of the world economy, coupled together with far more stringent requirements in terms of the national credit act.
Lastly, the Law of the land recognizes Business Rescue as a legitimate practice to avoid liquidation provided a viable turnaround and rescue strategy can be presented to the court.

Our Approach

The current business owner has two dilemmas:
1. Starting a new business is extremely difficult, and
2. Refinancing an existing business is no longer an option in many cases

Therefore, there are only two available options:
1. Watch the business, and all of the investment that has gone into it, evaporate, or
2. Find a way to make the business run better and become profitable and stay afloat

Clearly the first option is not an option.

Benefits of Turnaround

Firstly, this is not necessarily a negative position to be in. Credit crunches and recessions sometimes force business owners to critically assess every aspect of their business, which refinancing and/or positive cash flow many times apply a Band-Aid to. Running a lean, mean, healthy business machine is something that should be an all-time thing. However, it is understandable that most business owners do not critically assess every issue when business is good and they are busy all of the time.

Business turnaround will not only potentially save your business, but it will put it into the position it should be in all the time.

How do I turn my business around?

Contact us today! Have our fresh eye and perspective come in to your business… let us assess where your business is at from all perspectives – sales, marketing, administration, cash flows, finance, IT, etc.

With years of good hands on business ownership and experience in the fields of financial management, sales and marketing, and IT, we are more than capable of turning your business around

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