Code Of Conduct - kbc

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Code Of Conduct

About Us
Corporate Governance & Code of Ethics

KBC is committed to principles of accountability, integrity and transparency as advocated by the Kings Committee report on Corporate Governance. The directors endorse the code of Corporate Practice and Conduct as generally accepted corporate practice. Within these parameters, KBC embraces values that commit to the highest standards of behaviour and ethics in dealing with all stakeholders, including directors, managers, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors and society at large.

As a member of The Institute of Business Advisors, KBC subscribe to the code of Good Business Practices. Business is conducted with uncompromising INTEGRITY and RELATIONSHIPS with regulatory authorities, stakeholders and staff are maintained to honor the code.

The reputation of KBC is anchored in the professionalism, ethics and excellence of service our people have striven to demonstrate and embrace every day for more than 15 years.

But times change, and today we find ourselves functioning in a very different and challenging business climate—one that requires us to visibly reinforce our commitment to high standards and our passion for quality and integrity in all we do.

Hence, we have developed a Code of Conduct. The Code is a set of principles intended to guide us in the conduct of our business and aid us in ensuring that KBC's culture of ethics and integrity is sustained around the world.

By combining our own good judgment and experience with the practical guidelines in the Code, we aim to continue earning the trust of all our stakeholders.

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